
Tindakan Penting yang Diperlukan: Penugasan Pendaftar Baru dalam Pohon Biner

Pelanggan yang terhormat,

We have been waiting for a long time for the new system to be completed, but we have not been able to calculate the commissions properly each time, and the old system was still used to calculate the commissions.

However, there are still some things we need you to do.

Untuk memandu Anda melalui penggunaan Penempatan Manual yang efektif, silakan kunjungi artikel FAQ yang komprehensif di sini: Bagaimana cara menambah/mengubah penempatan rujukan di jaringan biner saya?

Untuk memastikan keakuratan perhitungan komisi untuk bulan Novemberdengan hormat meminta Anda untuk melakukan tindakan berikut: 

  • Action required: Place your new referrals in your binary tree. 
  • Durasi: Complete this process between December 4th and 8th.

Please note that manual placement must be completed between Monday, December 4 and Friday, December 8.

If manual placement is not completed by December 8, automatic placement will be performed. During this process, early registration priority will be given, starting from the bottom and proceeding from left to right.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Untuk pertanyaan, silakan hubungi

Departemen Dukungan Pelanggan SUZUVERSE