새 버전 출시 안내 버전 2.0.11
안녕하세요, DAO 회원 여러분!
We’d like to inform you that our team will be conducting maintenance on the SUZUVERSE app to release version 2.0.11. (The server will not be stopped, so you can still access the site, but it may be difficult to access.)
다음은 유지보수에 대한 자세한 내용입니다:
- 날짜: April 25, 2024
Here are what you can expect after April 25:
- Update our CheerCast: We've revamped our CheerCast, replaced all our CheerCast with three new options to enrich your personal experience. For further details about our updated CheerCast, please refer to our FAQ here: Cheer Up with CheerCast!
- Bug Fixes: We've addressed some bugs to enhance your SUZUVERSE experience.
We kindly request you to update your app within 2-3 days after the maintenance to enjoy the enhanced features.
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