As we have announced previously, our OTC (Suzuverse Wallet) and Suzuverse Marketplace function will be launched at 11:00AM JST on Dec 30, this Friday. The following features will be provided in this big release.
As described in the white paper, we will distribute SOTd for the same amount as the purchase amount to users who purchased NFT for a specific period (until November 30, 2022). White paper applicable part…
We are so delighted to inform you that our SOTd1 has been distributed today Feb 1, 2023. The total SOTd and SOT aggregate supply amount will be 100,000,000 tokens and the total SOTd1 amount that is distributed today is 9,869,710 SOTd1…
On January 30, 2023, we officially opened an office in Ho Chi Minh City to handle our marketing department for sales in Vietnam. We have been working remotely, but now we will start marketing for Vietnam in earnest.