
[SUZUVERSE Affiliate] Ошибка электронной почты SUZUVERSE Tracker

Hello DAO members!

We want to inform you about an issue related to our recent update of the SUZUVERSE affiliate system with SUZUVERSE Tracker.

Today, an error occurred in our system, resulting in some users receiving multiple emails from SUZUVERSE Tracker. We sincerely apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may have caused.

Please kindly disregard any duplicate emails that you may have received, similar to the example shown below:

To access and activate your SUZUVERSE Tracker account, please activate it via the first email sent to you below.

For more information on how to activate your SUZUVERSE Tracker account, please see this FAQ: How to activate your SUZUVERSE Tracker account?

We understand that this situation may have caused some confusion, and we want to assure you that the SUZUVERSE Tracker system remains an essential tool for managing your affiliate activities effectively.

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