
[SUZUVERSE Marketplace] Важное обновление для подписчиков

Hey DAO members!

As announced before, starting from July 8th, customers who purchased subscriptions in June are required to update their payment information when renewing their subscriptions. 

However, we've noticed that some users missed this step, resulting in their subscriptions being canceled. This update is crucial to enhance the security of your payment details and ensure seamless automatic monthly payments.

If you bought your subscriptions before July 7, these subscriptions might be canceled now. Therefore, please visit SUZUVERSE Marketplace to purchase a new subscription to continue enjoying our benefits. Please note that automatic payment of subscription fees may fail for a variety of reasons. In such cases, our system will send a notification email to your email address, and when you access the Marketplace, you will see the pop-up below.

You can find detailed instructions in our FAQs: 

How to check my subscription status?

How to update my payment information when it is required?

If you already re-purchased your subscription, please kindly ignore this message. 

We’re sincerely sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

We appreciate your cooperation as a DAO member.


С наилучшими пожеланиями,



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