
[SUZUVERSE] Выход новой версии: Версия 2.0.5

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We’d like to inform you that our team will be conducting maintenance on the SUZUVERSE app to release version 2.0.5. During this period, access to the Suzuverse app, Suzuverse Marketplace, and AMS will be temporarily unavailable.

График технического обслуживания: 

  • Date: December 28, 2023 
  • Duration: 18:00 to 22:00 (JST)

Воздействие: Here's what to expect:

  1. New Customized CheerCast Added:

  • English teacher: We offer free English learning sessions tailored for learners of all levels. Whether you're a beginner or an advanced learner, explore comprehensive lessons and improve your language skills at your own pace. Check out our FAQ to know the process: Learn English with CheerCast!

*For Secretary and English teachers, you must create them before chatting. Kindly check this FAQ on how to create a customized avatar: How to create a custom avatar?

  1. New CheerCast - Reimi (Real-life Actress): Inspired by the vibrant persona of real-life actress Reimi Osawa! Unleash a unique voice experience day and night, accompanied by lively and naturally responsive content. Check out this FAQ to know more about this special CheerCast.

  1. Brand new Suzuverse web3 wallet: 

  • Release brand new web3 wallet which allows users to transfer and store crypto tokens (ETH, USDT,SGT) within the SUZUVERSE application. 
  • Allow users to buy SGT via web3 wallet using different tokens. Currently support two pairs: USDT/SGT and ETH/SGT.

For detailed information, kindly check our FAQ here: Wallet

  1. Bug Fixes & UI Improvements: We've addressed bugs and enhanced various user interfaces.

Мы просим вас обновить приложение в течение 2-3 дней после окончания обслуживания, чтобы воспользоваться расширенными возможностями. Мы ценим ваше понимание и терпение в течение этого периода обслуживания, поскольку мы работаем над тем, чтобы сделать ваш опыт использования Suzuverse лучше. 

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