SUZUVERSE 在 OpenSea 上推出 NFT 系列產品
Tokyo, Japan, July 27, 2024 — SUZUVERSE, the innovative mixed reality metaverse platform, is thrilled to announce the launch of its NFT collection on OpenSea, starting from August 1, 2024. The inaugural collection, "Samurai Cat," will be followed by additional collections that echo those previously launched in our store.
- 日期: August 1, 2024
- 平台: OpenSea - SUZUVERSE
- First Collection: Samurai Cat
關於系列: The "Meow Collection" is a celebration of the fascinating world of feline creativity. Originating from our own reference material, each AI-generated cat in this collection is a unique masterpiece, ensuring no two creations are alike.
NFT 業主專享優惠: 擁有 Meow Collection 的 NFT 可讓您獲得 SOT(購買時的 SOT 價值)。SOT 將分發一次。
Ryoji 'George' Miyauchi, President and CEO of Suzuverse, says, "Join us in celebrating the rich history and dynamic future of our AI-generated feline friends. There's a unique Meow Collection cat for everyone, waiting to be discovered and cherished."
SUZUVERSE 於 2022 年由 Ryoji Miyauchi 創立,是混合現實 metaverse 領域的日本領導者。它將情感 AI 技術與區塊鏈整合,提供具有社會影響力的獨特數位體驗。SUZUVERSE 的旗艦產品、 歡呼節 和 Suzuwalk本平台的目標是解決當代的挑戰,如孤獨、社會孤立和整體健康。該平台提倡去中心化的方法,讓使用者體驗真正的自由 - 社會、精神和經濟上的自由。如需更多資訊,請造訪 SUZUVERSE 的官方連結
如需更多關於 SUZUVERSE 及其最新更新的資訊,請透過 聯絡客戶支援。