this is our story...
the world is chaotic
George Miyauchi

I have been invested in variety of business over my 15 years of career. During that time, I have witnessed many ups and downs, untransparency, unfairness, bankruptcy and market manipulation as well. Some went softly, some left a big footprint damage about money and even human loss. So sad and paintful when family is the last persons who suffer the longest damage and loss.
For example, I found out that the violation of the securities and exchange Law normally consisted of spreading rumors and window dressing. The content of the spreading of rumors is that, in the process of evaluating the corporate value of the company to be acquired, the company's owner stated in the disclosure material that a third party had evaluated the value. However, in the process, the audit firm and the company discussed and decided on the amount, and in the end, the audit firm was not the only one who decided on the amount, so the company disclosed a different content. It is incomprehensible content no matter how you think about it. In addition, window dressing means that some of the sales were recorded as sales even though they had not yet been delivered. The other is that the company's own shares were included in the fund's profit, and since this constituted a capital transaction, it is not appropriate to include them in the income statement. Well, that is true, but again, why are they arresting people for such a thing?
I had foreseen that all businesses would be replaced by businesses centered on the Internet, and I had been digitizing analog businesses from one end to the other in order for all mankind to enjoy the wonders of the Internet.
Up to that point, I had foreseen that all businesses would be replaced by businesses centered on the Internet, and I had been digitizing analog businesses from one end to the other in order for all mankind to enjoy the wonders of the Internet. In this process, there was a great deal of friction with the existing large analog companies, and at times we resorted to forceful means to screw them over. We were able to do this by force, because the digitalization of the world is more convenient for everyone except those involved in the analog businesses, who enjoy the economic benefits of the increased convenience. In other words, everyone becomes richer.
However, the analog companies had great political power. Power is the number of votes. Politicians are vulnerable to votes. The analog companies were afraid that their comfortable environment would be destroyed by us, the newcomers. They were afraid that we, the newcomers, would destroy their comfortable environment.
Since then, all businesses have been deprived of their freedom. This corrupt organization, which I can only think of as an old man, is the evil of centralized power. When idiots are at the top, we have to live in a society of idiots.
But now, we or other enterprise owners have an environment where we can have freedom. The day when decentralization will change the world is just around the corner.
It is meaningless to end our life under this rotten centralized power, under the idiots.
I will promote my business for the sake of freedom and for the sake of those who are also deprived of their freedom and even more so for those who are forced to live in inconvenience.
SUZUVERSE came up as a destiny
The word "SUZU" was inspired by the famous anime movie “Bella”. In Bella, Suzu is a 17-year-old high school girl who holds big love and talent for music. However, if she tries to sing even as little as a bar of music, she gets physically ill—to the point of throwing up if she tries to force her way through it. Everything changed when she enters a fantastic virtual world name “U”.
Escaping from reality with illness, she can do the one thing that gives her life meaning: she can sing, then become a globally beloved singer. This movie inspired me much about a wonderful and fantasy world that we can be someone else which we are always dreaming of and passionate about. That is where TRUE FREEDOM exists and lasts forever
we live with freedom!

George Miyauchi
President & CEO